Full Course Catalog
Asbestos Courses
Hazwoper Courses
Lead-Based Paint Courses
OSHA Outreach for Construction Courses
General Construction
- CPR/First Aid
- Confined Space Entry
- Fall Protection
- Forklift Safety
- NIOSH 582
- Silica Construction
Awareness - Trenching and Excavation
Competent Person
Asbestos Courses
This course is for all workers, contractors, supervisors, consultants, and site-surveillance technicians that work on asbestos abatement projects. This certification is the minimal level of training needed for the asbestos professional. Topics covered, but not limited to, include the history and uses of asbestos, health effects, protective equipment, work practices, inspections, safety, and more. This course prepares students to immediately apply knowledge to the field, with extensive hands-on training and real-world examples from experienced instructors. This course meets the requirements of the State of Alaska DOL 8 AAC 61.600-790, OSHA 29 CFR 1910, 1915 and 1926, and the EPA/AHERA 40 CFR Part 763 subpart E.
Federal regulations require that all AHERA-certified asbestos professionals complete this approved annual refresher course in order to maintain their certification. This course reviews key information from the original course, as well as a review of regulations (new and changes to existing regulations), new legislation, and any new tools or practices of the trade. This course meets both AHERA and the State of Alaska annual refresher training requirement for Asbestos Contractors/Supervisors.
This course is required by AHERA for accreditation as a Building Inspector. Students will be trained in the identification, inspection, sampling, and assessing of asbestos containing materials (ACM) in buildings, and how to prepare a report of their findings. The class includes hands-on training for students to implement what they have learned with a mock inspection. This course complies with the EPA AHERA MAP for inspectors.
Regulations require this approved annual refresher for those holding a Building Inspector certification. This course reviews the key information from the original course, as well as up to date information regarding regulatory and legislative changes. Students are encouraged to bring their knowledge and experiences into classroom discussions.
The AHERA Management Planner Course summarizes and utilizes the knowledge required for completing building inspections and hazard assessments to determine appropriate abatement responses - and write a management plan accordingly. Special emphasis is directed towards Operations and Maintenance procedures commonly used in facilities. Certification as a Management Planner is awarded upon successful completion of a 50-question exam on the last day. Specific course content includes: Interpretation of Building Survey Results, Evaluation of Building Survey Results, Response Actions, Legal Considerations for the Management Planner, Abatement Options, Record Keeping, and Assembling and Submitting the Management Plan. The student will have the opportunity to review an Asbestos Management Plan. The plan will be prepared in accordance with AHERA requirements. The students will be required to incorporate different response options/procedures as presented throughout the class. Current AHERA Building Inspector certification is required to take this course.
This refresher class covers the key topics covered during the 16hr initial class as well up to date information on any regulatory or legislative changes.
This course is for all persons that will design an asbestos abatement project and is required under the EPA AHERA Model Accreditation Plan. Students will be trained in identifying all relevant aspects of an asbestos project and how to properly address them. Topics covered, but not limited to, include designing engineering controls, abatement issues in occupied buildings, personnel protection, air sampling requirements, and regulatory requirements. The course also includes a hands-on section where students will design an abatement project to be reviewed by an experienced project designer. This course meets the requirements of the EPA/AHERA 40 CFR Part 763 Subpart E.
Federal regulations require that certified Asbestos Project Designers complete annual refresher training. This course reviews the key information from the initial course as well as introduces any new practices accepted by the industry. Students will also review all applicable regulations and learn any new or changed regulations. This course meets the requirements for refresher training defined by the EPA.
This course is designed for employees who may contact and disturb asbestos containing materials (ACM) during routine building maintenance activities. Topics covered, but not limited to, include recognizing asbestos materials, using appropriate techniques during small-scale activities, and cleaning up ACM debris. This class utilizes hands-on training to demonstrate glove bag techniques and enclosures. This course meets OSHA and EPA requirements.
This general overview course is designed for tradesmen or any other person who will conduct operations in which they may contact or disturb asbestos in buildings. The course covers identification of asbestos, associated hazards, and how to safely work and live around asbestos.
Hazwoper Courses
This course is designed for workers who are on site occasionally for a specific limited task and who are unlikely to be exposed to chemicals at levels that exceed permissible limits. Topics covered include personal protection and hazard identification and prevention. This course meets the training requirements of OSHA 29 CFR 1910.120(e)(3).
This course is designed for workers who are on site occasionally for a specific limited task and who are unlikely to be exposed to chemicals at levels that exceed permissible limits. Topics covered include personal protection and hazard identification and prevention. This course meets the training requirements of OSHA 29 CFR 1910.120(e)(3).
Regulations require this approved annual refresher for those holding a HAZWOPER certification. This course reviews key topics covered in the original course as well as up to date information regarding regulatory and legislative changes for hazardous waste operations. Students are encouraged to bring their knowledge and experiences into classroom discussions.
Lead-Based Paint Courses
This course is designed for renovators, remodelers, painters, maintenance personnel, and any other workers removing or modifying painted surfaces. Any contractor performing work on pre-1978 homes or child-occupied facilities must employ at least one Certified Renovator who has successfully completed this training. Topics covered, but not limited to, include EPA regulations, preparation for work, containing dust during work, proper cleaning activities, and evaluating the finished site. If these procedures are correctly implemented, the risk of lead exposure can be minimized. This certification is good for five years. This course is approved by the EPA.
This refresher class covers the key portions and topics from the 8hr initial class as well as up to date information on any regulatory or legislative changes.
This general overview course is designed especially for tradesmen or any other person who will conduct operations in which they may contact or disturb lead-based paint in buildings. The course covers identification of lead-based paint and associated materials, associated hazards, and how to safely work and live around lead-based paint.
OSHA Outreach for Construction Training Program Courses
This course is designed especially for safety directors, foremen, and field supervisors or any other person involved in the construction industry. The program provides complete information on OSHA compliance issues. There are two authorized versions of the training: the 30-hour program includes most of the topics, and there is a recommended selection which may be modified to the specific needs of the group. Satori Group can consult with you to find which topics are best suited to your company’s needs.
This course is designed to introduce construction workers to information about their rights, employer responsibilities, and how to prevent job related hazards on a job site. The class covers a variety of construction safety and health hazards. Special emphasis is placed on areas that most commonly result in worker injury or property damage.
General Construction
This course covers Adult CPR, Child CPR (over age 1), AED, Choking, and First Aid.
This class is perfect for workers, safety personnel, caregivers, school staff, and staff working in a medical setting who do not provide direct patient care.
This course is designed to increase the student’s knowledge of hazards associated with permit-required confined space entry. The class topics include: definition of a confined space and permit required confined space, entry procedures, required elements of a confined space program and permit system, hazards, ventilation, lockout/tagout procedures, equipment, duties of the entrant, attendant, and supervisor, evacuation and rescue procedures, and closing an entry operation. This class meets the requirements of OSHA 29 CFR 1910 146 & 147.
This course is designed for those who are responsible for addressing fall protection issues, inspecting equipment components and/or who are responsible for the supervision of employees working at heights. Topics covered, but not limited to, include the hierarchy of fall protection, the purpose and application of various systems, workplace assessments of fall hazards, selecting fall protection equipment, and managing the jobsite fall protection program. This course meets OSHA industry safety standards (29 CFR, Subpart M, Fall Protection, 1926.500, 1926.501, 1926.502, and 1926.503).
This course is designed for employees who will be operating a powered industrial truck on a construction jobsite. Topics include, but are not limited to, forklift regulations, center of gravity, the stability triangle, working around pedestrians, safe load handling, and operating and parking the forklift. This course meets the requirements of OSHA's 29 CFR Section 1926.602(d) and 1910.178(l).
OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard is designed to protect employees from hazardous chemicals used or stored in the work setting. Satori Group first assesses your company operations and then designs a Hazard Communication Program meeting OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1200 standards.
This course covers all aspects of sampling and analysis using the NIOSH 7400 Method. Proper equipment selection, calibration of equipment, sampling, sample preparation, sample analysis, calculation of results, quality assurance and quality control are all covered.
This course covers the Occupational Exposure to Respirable Crystalline Silica final rule as specified in 29 CFR Parts 1910, 1015, and 1926. Exposure to respirable crystalline silica can cause silicosis, lung cancer, kidney disease, and other respiratory diseases. Students will receive training on silica recognition in construction activities, regulatory guidance, health hazards, and employer responsibilities under the standard on respirable crystalline silica.
This course is designed for supervisors and competent individuals responsible for training and ensuring employees are safely protected from possible cave-ins, hazardous atmospheres, falling objects, and are informed of the hazards associated with trenching and excavation operations prior to working in these areas. The class will teach students about the responsibilities of the Competent Person on the job site, OSHA regulations, soil classification, identify trenching hazards, protective systems, and performing daily trench inspections. This class meets the requirements set forth in 29 CFR 1926.650, 651, and 652.