Satori offers a wide range of environmental assessment services. Whether you require a hazardous materials building survey or a Phase I ESA, Satori’s environmental professionals receive comprehensive training to deliver cost effective results.
Hazardous Materials Building Surveys (HMBS) & Building Inspections
Prior to conducting renovations, demolition or maintenance on buildings and facilities, it is important to have a thorough HMBS. Satori Group’s staff has the credentials and expertise to accommodate your needs. We inspect, sample, identify, and quantify many suspect building materials including:
Our personnel will provide a professional inspection and sampling process of your building to deliver a comprehensive report. Our HMBS level of effort can be tailored to meet your specific needs whether the structure is scheduled for complete-demolition, complete interior renovation planned or limited to simple tenant space improvements.
Industrial Hygiene & Indoor Air Quality Services
Satori Group’s professionals recognize the need for anticipating, evaluating, and controlling workplace conditions that may cause workers’ injury or illness. Our professionals are dedicated to environmental safety, and we provide the following industrial hygiene services to support your company’s projects:

- Onsite NIOSH 7400 Method Microscopic Analysis
- Baseline, Abatement, Clearance Air Sampling by PCM or TEM
- OSHA daily worker asbestos exposure sampling, analysis, reporting
- Containment Inspections and ASTM 1368 visual inspections
- Negative Pressure Enclosure Monitoring
- RCRA Waste Characterization
- UST Closures
Phase I Environmental Site Assessments
Site Assessments help determine if a real estate property contains environmental liabilities. Property owners, lending institutions and property management firms are among those frequently requiring Phase I Assessments. During the Phase I, Satori’s professionals perform a comprehensive site inspection and property records reviews to ASTM standard practices E 1527-00 and numerous other assessment tasks including:

- Field reconnaissance
- Historical data review
- Aerial photograph interpretation
- Interviews
- Soils, geologic and hydrologic review
- Environmental database records review
Phase II Environmental Site Assessments
Phase II Environmental Site Assessments include the environmental sampling and laboratory analyses of various media to confirm the presence, absence, and extent of suspect hazardous materials identified during the Phase I Site Assessment. Satori’s Phase II ESA’s following the ASTM standards set forth in E 1903-97R02. Sampling recommendations are derived from information gleaned during a Phase I Assessment and may include:

- Surficial soil and water samples
- Subsurface soil samples
- Groundwater sampling
- Abandoned drum sampling
- Dry wells, French drains
- Transformers
- Geophysical testing for buried tanks/drums
- Abandoned materials
- ... and more
Our comprehensive final assessment report will include detailed reports of sampling activities, analytical results, photographic documentation, and applicable regulatory guidance with recommendations.
Soil Remediation
Satori Group has developed agency-approved Corrective Action Plans, and performed soil remediation efforts to meet site cleanup requirements. We interface directly with the regulatory community to discuss site objectives and technical approach.
Using the latest field screening technologies to delineate areas of concern during remedial action, our environmental scientists guide onsite remedial activities. Our services help reduce costs while complying with regulatory requirements to ensure the site remains protective of human health and the environment.
Once remedial activities are complete, staff scientists collect confirmation samples to ensure the agreed upon remedial objectives were obtained. A post remedial action plan report is developed documenting the entire site activity.

- Field investigation
- Corrective Action Plans
- Remediation
- Post-remedial Action Plan Reports
- Regulatory Oversight
Groundwater Services
Satori Group has the required experience and expertise to support all facets of groundwater characterization. Our field staff offers clients these services:

- Monitoring well drilling and installation
- EPA Low Flow Sampling
- Groundwater Investigation or long term monitoring
- Groundwater monitoring plans
- Water level monitoring
- Stream flow studies
- Sediment sampling
- Watershed hydrology